48 Jalan Lang Kuning 52100 Kepong Baru +603 6274 5814 contact@chyeclinic.com

STD Screening and Treatment

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) clinic in Kepong & Kuala Lumpur

It's tragic enough to see people dying from AIDS; therefore we believe no one should die of ignorance

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, be sure to have them tested for STD



STD & HIV testing


Affordable treatment and medication


Health screening

Chye Clinic is recognized as one of the top rated and best STD / STI clinic in Kepong & Kuala Lumpur


If you're sexually active, especially with multiple partners, you've probably heard the following advice many times: Use protection and get tested.

Chye Family Medicine Specialist Clinic offers affordable and professional sexually transmitted disease (STD) Testing, STD Screening and STD Treatment, and is one of the top rated STD / STI clinics in Kepong and Kuala Lumpur

Unfortunately, no one really talks about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and many people don’t receive prompt treatment for it. However, STI or STD are certainly uncommon, especially among young people; or rather anyone who is sexually active.

Whether you have questions about sex, unsure of having a STI, or feeling hopeless and helpless, we are here to help. ​ Anyone can come to us for help, even if you want to stay anonymous.

STD clinic at Kepong and Kuala Lumpur


All your test and medical records are encrypted in our computer system. No one including the staff can access it without your permission


We strive to offer you the most reasonable price possible. It is fair to say all the common STD screening test we offer here are considerably affordable


Chye Clinic is not just a normal primary care provider but also run by the Family Medicine Specialist who provide a better and comprehensive high quality medical service


As we are family medicine specialist clinic, we don't just look after your sexual health. Your physical and mental health is relatively important to us

Top 5 Reasons Why Chye Clinic Is The Place For Your STD Consultation And Treatment`

Our services

STD clinic in Kepong and Kuala Lumpur

STD screening and testing

We offer a wide range of rapid tests and lab tests which will provide immediate and highly accurate results Our rapid test take about 20 minutes, whereas our lab-tests will take about 3 to 5 days. 

best STD clinic in kepong and KL

FREE HIV Rapid Test anonymously

Yes, you heard correctly. The only private clinic offering free HIV testing in Kepong and Kuala Lumpur

Book online

Make an appointment via the link below or contact us directly

best and top rated STD STI clinic in kepong and KL

Protect yourself with vaccination

We provide all type of vaccination against potential STI's and non STI related diseases for all men and women

Reduce chances of contacting the virus

Get yourself protected with “Pre and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis "PrEP” & "PEP". The word “prophylaxis” means to prevent or control the spread of an infection or disease.

PEP is a short course of HIV medicines taken very soon after a possible exposure to HIV to prevent the virus from taking hold in your body

PrEP is an HIV prevention method in which people who don't have HIV take HIV medicine daily to reduce their risk of getting HIV if they are exposed to the virus.

best and top rated STD STI clinic in kepong and KL
Personal counselling

Feeling hopeless? Feeling stressed out in life? Need someone to talk to? Our trained clinical psychologists are here ready to help. We offer one-to-one and face-to-face counselling and psychotherapy. We will provide the support you need to live your life to the fullest. You Deserve to Be Happy. Don't Wait

Health screening

As we are a family medicine specialist clinic, we don't just look at your sexual health. Your physical and mental health are equally important to us as well. Hence, we also offer health screening and treatment for non-STD related problems.

best and top rated STD STI clinic in kepong and KL
Let's be friend

Once you’ve visited us, we will provide you the hotline number to our family medicine specialist. Dr Chan will be solely handling the WhatsApp number. Feel free to message him anytime and Dr. Chan will reply you as soon as possible.

We offer a comprehensive range of individualized STD screening and testing services that are tailored to your specific needs.

Be friend with Dr. Chan, the family medicine specialist. He provides continuous and comprehensive follow-up by phone and whatsapp.

We do not limit our services to STD screening. As a family medicine specialist clinic, we treat you from head to toe

Wart Treatment Is Available

Discover Kepong and KL most affordable diagnostic and screening STD package from RM 0 and RM 670.

Depending on your situation and needs, we offer a broad range of testing services, including HIV, syphilis, Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Trichomanas, Mycoplasma hominus, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, HPV, Gram's stain, Genital Swab Culture and Sensitivity, Wet mount for Thrichomonas , Pap Smear & etc.

Enjoy discounted price for Gardasil 9 vaccine at only RM 490

Wart Treatment Is Available



  • Consultation
  • HIV rapid test
  • Private contact with Dr.Chan
  • Basic health screening( 60test)
  • 1 month supply of PrEP
Pre-Exposure Therapy (PrEP)


Cheapest in town ( KL and Kepong

Need urgent delivery of Prep + PEP to your house? contact us now

Post Exposure Therapy(PEP)

RM 140- RM960

Start within 72 hours after last sexual encounter


RM 50-RM490

  • Enjoy discounted price
  • STD related: HPV & Hepatitis B
  • Non STD related vaccine : Flu, Thyphoid, Pneumococcal, Meningococcal, Tetanus, Hepatitis A, CoronaVac and etc.

Limited time offer


Buy HIV Prep and PEP Online. Door to Door Delivery ( Malaysia and Worldwide)

One pill once a day keeps you away from HIV

Chye Clinic is a registered Family Medicine Specialist Clinic. It's recognized as Top Rated STD clinic in Kepong and Kuala Lumpur

Buy prep online


Click Whatsapp number for assistance

My HIV Prep Online Program

Door to Door Deliver

Free Delivery* ( for Malaysian address only

Buy prep online

On Demand Dosing &

30-days Daily Dosing

Cheapest In Town

Free Online Prescription

Having Recurrent Genital

Warts and Ulcers?

Introducing the Premium Immune Therapy for Genital Herpes and Genital Warts In
KL & Kepong

Say hello to our customized ANTI HERPES AND WARTS immune therapy- a power-packed solution that empowers you in the battle against STDs. We’ve curated the ultimate arsenal of cutting-edge treatments, combining with intravenous drips, exosomes, fat and non-fat soluble infusion of vitamins, supplements, and expert guidance to help you become a true warrior in the fight against sexually transmitted infections.

One Wash A Day, Keep the HSV HPV Away

Glizigen is a preparation for external use highly effective in the treatment of papilloma virus and genital herpes. The discovery a new formulation to fight all the infections caused by herpesvirus in its different forms (genital, oral, varicella-zoster) and papilloma virus has attained the cure of the treated patients

Need delivery to refill your medication?

Contact us if you need a delivery service to refill for your medication ( *You must previously had a medical prescription ). If you do not have previous prescription, please contact us online and Dr. Chan will attend you for free!

Delivery charges applied

Looking for Safe, Pain-free male circumcision?

We Can Help


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Feeling Stomach Discomfort?
Feeling Stomach Discomfort? 🤕 Here's What Could Be Causing It and How We Can Help!Stomach issues can disrupt your day and affect your overall well-being. Here are common reasons for that uncomfortable feeling and ways to find relief at our clinic. 🌿Common Causes of Stomach Discomfort:Indigestion 🍕 – Eating too fast or consuming rich, spicy […]
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Regain Your Confidence with Careplus
Regain Your Confidence with Careplus
Struggling with hair loss?Here are some common reasons behind it—and how we can help! Our clinic offers special treatments tailored to your needs, helping you regain your confidence. ✨Key Causes of Hair Loss:Vitamin Deficiency 🥗 – Lacking essential vitamins like B12, D, and iron can weaken hair and slow growth.Lack of Sleep 😴 – Poor […]

What Patients Are Saying About Our Practice

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Contact us now


Klinik Chye Family Medicine Specialist Clinic

48, Jalan Lang Kuning 52100, Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur




011-26151500( whatsapp)

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Dr. Chan will meet with you for his advice and suggestions.